• Reparations Now!
    There is no racial reconciliation without reparations. Nearly 4 million African slaves were worth some $3.5 billion, making them the largest single financial asset in the entire U.S. economy, worth more than all manufacturing and railroads combined. Our ancestors built this country on unpaid labor. This corporation of the United States of America is still functioning on structural racism. We have solutions! We have developed a comprehensive blueprint for reparations. We are also ready to learn more from our community as to how we can close financial gaps and abolish the disenfranchisement of African Americans in WI permanently. This blueprint is a healing process that will address the spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, educational, cultural and financial well- being of a diaspora of africans who have never had the opportunity to properly heal in Wisconsin. Please join us in fighting for reparations. Sign & share the petition!
    168 of 200 Signatures
    Created by ReBecca Wigley Picture
  • VOTE and become a VOTER's Advocate: Make this election a RESTORE HOPE and JUSTICE campaign
    This nation is in peril. We are a divided nation. We must come together to save the integrity of our constitution. We have lost ground and dignity in the past four years due to unimaginable corruption and lack of leadership. We must pause the hate and systematic injustices. We must press forward to a nation of integrity that welcomes racial, religious, and LGBT equality. We must stop the tendency to go back 100 years and instead adopt policies that will honor science, save the integrity of the vote and bring together a divided nation for the sake of our children and their children's children. This moment is bigger than US. This is a deciding moment in the history of this nation. Will we stand up against white supremacy's threat to rear its ugly head? Will we stand for women's hard earned rights? Will we push back on foreign governments' attempts to control the White House? Will we honor those who protect our borders and have lost their lives for this country? Who will speak for the homeless? We are a better people when we vote our values that protect human rights, rather than destroy human rights. When it's all said and done which side will you choose to stand on? Will you be on the side of justice, freedom, and people's rights? Will you choose to vote for Humanity and Freedom, for all children and people regardless of sexual preference, race, creed or other qualifiers? Please join me and others in taking a stand for the right side of Justice by joining me and others who are set on causing as the late Congressman Lewis encouraged us to do... Causing GOOD TROUBLE. Vote your conscience on November 3rd and bring others along to save this nation from itself.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Winona Hauge
  • I Pledge To Register Two Voters In Florida!
    We are calling on people of faith and moral conscience to pledge today to register two voters in Florida, for each formerly incarcerated person the governor is attempting to disenfranchise. By signing below, we’ll send you an email with step-by-step instructions on how you can register people to vote in Florida. Thank you for pledging to stand up for all Floridians and to protect the vote in this critical election! So much as at stake and we need every vote possible to advance true justice and equality for all. Will you take the pledge?
    92 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Groundswell Movement
  • Back-to-School Should Not Look Like This
    Members of Congress have the power to end gun violence through common sense gun safety reforms. Assault weapons, high capacity magazines, and bump stocks serve no purpose other than to kill as many people as possible as quickly as possible. They need to be banned. We need a license to drive a car and to get married. It’s long past time for a federal gun licensing program that would require not only comprehensive universal background checks, but the legal requirement that all guns be sold through licensed dealers. Senate bill S.42, introduced back in January to strengthen background checks, is stalled by Republican leadership which refuses to bring it up for a vote. No matter our political affiliation, we must all insist this bill move through the process immediately. Gun violence ought not be a partisan issue. Rural and urban, conservative to progressive—we are all vulnerable to gun violence and we must all be part of a serious, sustained, comprehensive response to this public health crisis. We implore all people of faith and conscience to share the Sandy Hook PSA with your Senators and Representatives and compel Congress to support common sense gun reforms that make all of us, and our children, safer. Here's how: -Click here to find your Member of Congress (https://www.callmycongress.com) and tweet or email Sandy Hook's amazing PSA (https://www.sandyhookpromise.org/campaign) to your Member of Congress. -Sign on to add your voice to those who are standing up against gun violence! P.S. Read more in our op-ed in USA Today (https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2019/09/18/sandy-hook-psa-gun-violence-school-shootings-not-inevitable-column/2354471001/). Rabbi Sharon Brous, Founding Rabbi, IKAR; Auburn Senior Fellow @SharonBrous Reverend Dr. Jacqui J. Lewis, Senior Minister, Middle Collegiate Church; Auburn Senior Fellow @RevJacquiLewis
    1,719 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Groundswell Movement
  • In Solidarity with the Tree of Life Synagogue, We Pray and We Pledge!
    Today, we stand together in solidarity and love, as people from different faiths, backgrounds, and states. We stand with Jewish people across our country, understanding that attacks on one community’s sacred spaces fray the ties that bind us all. And we recommit ourselves to work with all people targeted by hateful ideologies and every form of nationalist violence. Pray and Pledge Add your name to tell the congregations at the Tree of Life Synagogue that you stand with them. Tell them what you’re praying for, and what good work you pledge yourself to in your community! E.g. “I pray… that I remember the humanity of my neighbors each day because tragedy calls us to expand our hearts.” “I pledge... to speak up and step in when I see someone being attacked in public for who they are.” “I pray… that the entire Jewish community of Pittsburgh feel our love and support through the days ahead.” “I pledge… to press my representatives to pass comprehensive gun reform, take a public stand against White nationalism, and take my values to the polls.” “I pray… that I have the courage to continue to welcome and tend to those in need.” “I pledge… to bear witness to the children in Tornillo and support the families HIAS helps resettle across the country.”
    1,492 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Groundswell Movement for the Auburn Senior Fellows
  • Ban Assault Weapons In Oregon
    Lift Every Voice Oregon is organizing faith and student leaders who have joined together to ask the Oregon governor, House and Senate to prohibit the sale of assault weapons and large capacity magazines. No one in Oregon should have to fear gun violence in worship, school, at the mall, or attending a movie. Enough. Learn more at https://www.lifteveryvoiceoregon.com.
    62 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rev. Dr. Chuck Currie Picture
  • It is just to investigate allegations against Brett Kavanaugh before final vote
    Without a proper investigation, the Senate Judiciary Commiteeman and the full Senate can not possibly render a just and informed opinion on the standing of Kavanaugh as a lifetime appointment to the highest court in the land. Evidence could include witnesses accounts, medical records, and other sources that we can not possibly know of at this time. The Supreme Court renders decisions that impact every aspect of the day to day lives of all Americans. It is unfair to rush an appointment through without deference to collecting the facts that will allow a reasoned vote for or against a person being considered for such a position of power for decades to come. The American people deserve to know that any SCOTUS justice has the highest legal and moral integrity in serving the country in such an impactful way.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Laura Michaels
  • Safe Passage Program for District 89 (Maywood, Melrose Park and Broadview)
    A group of dedicated parents, youth and community residents with the Coalition for Spiritual and Public Leadership (CSPL) are working cooperatively with the leadership of Maywood, Melrose Park, & Broadview School District 89 to create a Safe Passage Pilot Program that would place trained parents and community residents outside of Irving and Stevenson Middle Schools and their surrounding neighborhoods. We have heard from many parents, students and residents that our youth often face dangers because of the risk of violence, inattentive drivers, bullying, and even ill intentioned strangers. We also believe that a Safe Passage program will create a stronger sense of community and encourage people to walk and be more active. We need to show the community leaders in Maywood, Melrose Park and Broadview that the community supports investing resources into a Safe Passage program. This initiative requires the active support of governmental, school district, community and faith-based organizations. Support the parents and youth leaders of CSPL today by signing the petition and sharing it on your social media page!
    123 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Anika Jones
  • We Challenge Trump’s Evangelical Defenders To Live TV Debate About Faith & Public Policy
    As you can watch here (https://on.msnbc.com/2NX9ryx), MSNBC has offered to host this round table on faith in the public square. Please either respond to their producers who have reached out to you or let us know an alternate public venue in which you prefer to “give an answer for everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope you have,” as Scripture says we must always be prepared to do (I Peter 3:15). Sincerely, Bishop William J. Barber, II, Pres. & Sr. Lecturer, Repairers of the Breach Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis , Co-Director, Kairos Center for Religion, Rights & Social Justice Bishop Yvette Flunder, Presiding Bishop, The Fellowship of Affirming Ministries Minister Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove, Director, School for Conversion
    4,815 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Repairers of the Breach PPC: NCMR
  • Pass Mandatory Background Checks For All Gun Purchases
    Moral leaders have always been first responders to injustice—from battling Jim Crow, to ensuring voting rights and marriage equality, to protecting health care and the rights of marginalized communities. Now, we must take the lead in pursuing justice on gun reform! Speak up, vote, lobby, march, protest, blog, tweet, and insist that our lawmakers recognize the worth of every person by passing legislation to ensure universal background checks, including guns sold on the internet, at gun shows, and in stores. Now is not the time to make it easier for people to carry and use guns. Now is not the time to turn our teachers into armed guards. Now is the time to pass federal gun law reform! While the House has headed the call and passed universal-check measures, the Senate continues to play politics with the lives of innocent people. We call on Republican and Democratic Senators to put partisanship aside and work together to pass universal background checks and other legislation that’s needed to address the moral concerns of our time. Community safety is a human issue, not a partisan one. We’ve had enough, and we need the U.S. Senate to act NOW! Let's lift our voices. Let's flood the Senate phone lines. Let’s be the groundswell that changes the tide! Enough! The Rev. Jacqueline J. Lewis, Ph.D. Senior Minister, Middle Collegiate Church Auburn Senior Fellow Rabbi Sharon Brous Founder/Senior Rabbi, IKAR Auburn Senior Fellow
    993 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by The Rev. Jacqueline J. Lewis, Ph.D.
  • The Open Internet is Under Attack. We Vow to Protect It.
    Two years ago, millions of us rose up in a movement to protect the open Internet, and we won. The open Internet is a space where all of us -- no matter the content of our beliefs, color of our skin, size of our wallets -- have an equal voice. We will not let President Trump's appointee overturn net neutrality protections. In this critical time, we need net neutrality now more than ever to fight and defend the future of our democracy. Our marches, vigils, petitions, and calls to action depend on organizing on an open Internet. So we vow to continue to champion faith and moral voices in the fight to protect the open Internet as a moral imperative. We, as people of many faiths and backgrounds, ask lawmakers to do the right thing as a moral imperative.
    1,303 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Valarie Kaur Picture
  • We Declare Revolutionary Love as the Call of Our Times
    We, people of faith and moral conscience, reclaim Valentine's Day as a Day of Revolutionary Love, Day of Rising. We resist all executive orders and policies that put people in harm’s way. We commit to fight for social justice through the ethic of love -- love for others, our opponents, and ourselves. On Valentine's Day, we will rise up across the U.S. and around the world in music, poetry, dance and action to declare that #RevolutionaryLove is the call of our times.
    7,209 of 8,000 Signatures
    Created by Valarie Kaur Picture